Agenda item


Supplementary Planning Documents provided guidance to implement Local Plan policies. Cabinet received a report on the Aylesbury South Site Allocation (D-AGT1) Supplementary Planning Document which it was recommended was approved and would apply to the allocation Aylesbury South (D-AGT1) within the adopted Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan (2021). The allocation would contribute to and take forward the principles of the Aylesbury Garden Town initiative, as designated in January 2017.  Once adopted, the Supplementary Planning Document would become guidance for developers and decision-makers for the central planning area.


To adopt a Supplementary Planning Document, the Council was legally required to conduct a public consultation for a minimum of four weeks, which had occurred from 22 September to 2 November 2022.


The Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan set out a vision and framework for sustainable growth across the north and central planning areas area for the period up to 2033. It promoted new development to meet identified needs, that would contribute to creating a thriving, diverse, safe, vibrant place to live, work and visit.  It also promoted growth that was shaped by strong place-shaping and sustainability principles to create well-designed developments that were sensitive to the areas local character, heritage, scale, land use and design.




That the Aylesbury South Supplementary Planning Document (site D-AGT1 of the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan) be ADOPTED. 


Supplementary Planning Documents provided guidance to implement Local Plan policies. Cabinet received a report on the Aylesbury South Site Allocation (D-AGT1) Supplementary Planning Document which it was recommended was adopted and would apply to the Aylesbury South (D-AGT1) allocation within the adopted Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan (2021). The allocation would contribute to and take forward the principles of the Aylesbury Garden Town initiative, as designated in January 2017.  Once adopted, the Supplementary Planning Document would become guidance for developers and decision-makers for the central planning area.


To adopt a Supplementary Planning Document, the Council was legally required to conduct a public consultation for a minimum of four weeks, which had occurred from 22 September to 2 November 2022.


The Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan set out a vision and framework for sustainable growth across the north and central planning areas area for the period up to 2033. It promoted new development to meet identified needs, that would contribute to creating a thriving, diverse, safe, vibrant place to live, work and visit.  It also promoted growth that was shaped by strong place-shaping and sustainability principles to create well-designed developments that were sensitive to the areas’ local character, heritage, scale, land use and design.


This document was the culmination of a number of years’ work which had begun with the legacy AVDC. It looked at the development framework for the site allocation AGT1 of the VALP which was being developed. It was a 95-hectare strategic urban extension allocated to the South of Aylesbury between Aylesbury Town and Stoke Mandeville. The SPD set out how 1,000 new homes, primary school, SE Aylesbury Link Road, multi-functional accessible green space, local centre and cycling and walking links should be developed. It reflected the AGT principles including the provision of 50% accessible green space. The SPD set out how to overcome some of the challenges to the development including the barrier of the railway line and Aylesbury Southern Link Road creating a new settlement identity between Aylesbury town and Stoke Mandeville and ensuring an adequate settlement buffer between the new housing and Stoke Mandeville. The SPD set out infrastructure requirements to ensure there was a cohesive and co-ordinated approach by the multiple landowners across the site. The preparation of this document had included engagement with local members and town and parish councillors. A public consultation was held between September and November last year and was now being recommended for adoption. This document and the Stoke Mandeville Neighbourhood Plan would be used as the policy basis to determine planning applications for the overall development of the site.  

The Leader clarified whether this would become a material document in the consideration of planning applications and this was confirmed. The Leader then asked for clarity around the buffer between Stoke Mandeville and Aylesbury town to ensure separate entities were maintained. The Service Director Planning and Environment reported that this document set out the guiding direction of any further planning applications; any planning application would need to respond to the requirements set out in the Supplementary Planning Document which would need to include consideration of the buffer. It would be for the Area Planning Committee to consider the applications and weigh up the balance of whether something was acceptable in accordance with the SPD. The Council’s aspiration was that these would fully conform with the SPD. The Leader then asked for clarification that if a planning application was refused whether the SPD would strengthen the Council’s case at an appeal and this was confirmed. The Planning Inspector would have to take the VALP and the SPD into account as a material document.

During discussion the following points were noted:-

  • The document was welcomed including the promotion of cycling and walking.
  • In terms of the impact of development on Stoke Mandeville Station it was noted that access to the station and all road routes should remain as accessible as possible including a good parking plan. With the impact of the new Aylesbury link road it was important to ensure traffic and cycling and footpath links ran as smoothly as possible including during the construction period. The Cabinet Member agreed that this should be taken into account and was a valid point.
  • In terms of health services and wider health care provision there had been extensive meetings with the NHS ensuring communities got the health support required. The SPD built upon policies in the VALP. When the Council adopted the VALP,  engagement with health authorities had taken place and they were engaged with the plan for growth. A new approach had been adopted with Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust on a case by case basis capturing this requirement as part of the planning application process. Significant improvements had been put in place on this process.
  • Confirmation was sought on protection of historic sites. The Service Director Planning and Environment confirmed this had been reflected in the SPD. It was important to note that there were no constraints on development but sites would be properly recorded and preserved where necessary.



That the Aylesbury South Supplementary Planning Document (site D-AGT1 of the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan) be ADOPTED. 


Supporting documents: