Agenda item

For the Select Committee to receive the report updating on the recommendations of the social worker recruitment and retention review.



Cllr Anita Cranmer, Portfolio Holder Children’s Services and Education

Richard Nash, Service Director, Children’s Social Care


Paper: Cabinet Response Table to the Select Committee review of social worker recruitment and retention.


The Chairman invited John Macilwraith, Corporate Director of Children’s Services, to speak on this item.


In the presentation, the following points were highlighted:


·       Conversations were currently being held with the Director of Health & Adult Social Care to create a joint workforce board for social workers. The organisation’s workforce strategy around recruitment and retention, particularly of social workers, was also being reviewed. A workforce consultation was also held, particularly focussing on reducing the reliance on agency staff.

·       For social work week, a virtual event has been held to thank social workers for their work. Next year’s event would be held in person, which the Chairman welcomed.

·       The wellbeing of social workers was a priority for the organisation. Social workers were able to participate in regular wellbeing sessions and activities, for which feedback has been positive. This was further being rolled out across the Children’s Services Directorate.

·       Since the academy has been established, 66 social workers had been recruited, and 38 had successfully completed the programme. 51 social workers remain in Buckinghamshire’s Children’s Services.


During discussion, comments and questions raised by the Committee included:  


·       Members commended the work the department has done around recruiting and retaining social workers. A Member also welcomed the steps the organisation has taken towards providing management training.

·       A Member asked about the number of social workers which were agency staff. Mr Macilwraith noted that 30 out of 40 managerial positions were agency team managers. The agency rate for social workers was currently at 25%. Further data around specific teams and the direction of travel would be forwarded to the Committee outside of the meeting. An update from the government around social worker recruitment and retention strategies would also be shared.


·       Although the agency was successful, this only focused on newly qualified social workers. Recruiting more experienced social workers to manage more complex cases was still challenging. However, seven agency social workers had converted to permanent roles. Consideration was also given to social work practice methodology regarding safety, balanced caseloads and supervision.

·       It was suggested that young carers looking after their family members could be encouraged to commence a career in social work, as they already possess some of the skills needed in the profession. Mr Macilwraith advised that the organisation was already considering this as part of its academy approach. Conversations were being held with young carers and education providers, and it was highlighted that carers would already have contact with social workers as part of the assessment process. It was also suggested that the Council could link with voluntary groups, such as Buckingham Winslow Young Carers, to support them.

·       A Member noted that technology had been a major issue for social workers. Laptops were acting as a barrier between the child and the social workers, with tablets being a possibly overlooked solution to the issue. Productivity was also a concern due to the pressures and working hours of social workers. The use of transcription software was suggested to alleviate the pressures of frontline staff. Mr Macilwraith advised that he would discuss the suggestion with the principal social worker, facilitate conversations with staff around the suitability of equipment and report back to the Committee.



The Chairman thanked Mr Macilwraith for his attendance and participation.

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