Agenda item


Outline planning permission for the demolition of existing residential and equestrian buildings to facilitate for the construction of up to 30 dwellings to include 40% affordable housing provision with First Homes, up to 2 self-build plots, public open space and associated infrastructure and landscaping. All matters to be reserved except for the creation of new site access.


After a very full debate, a motion was proposed and seconded to approve the application, in accordance with the officer’s recommendation. However, following the vote, this motion was defeated.


Following further debate, a motion to refuse the application was proposed and seconded for the following reasons:


1.        By virtue of the large, open expanse of paddock land within the application site, the site is not considered to be previously developed land, therefore the proposed development constitutes inappropriate development in the Green Belt, which is by definition harmful. The proposed development would also result in harm to the Green Belt Purpose of preventing encroachment into the countryside. The proposed development therefore conflicts with the fundamental aim of Green Belt policy which is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open. Substantial weight is attributed to this Green Belt harm. The harm to the Green Belt is not clearly outweighed by other material considerations such as to constitute the very special circumstances necessary to permit inappropriate development in the Green Belt. The proposed development is therefore considered contrary to Policy GB1 of the South Bucks Local Plan (1999) and Paragraphs 137, 138, 147, 148, 149, 150 of the NPPF (2021).

2.        The proposed development would not provide for sufficient infrastructure provision in order to mitigate its impacts in relation to air quality, and thereby worsen the air quality conditions within the Iver Air Quality Management Area; contrary to Policy CP13 of the South Bucks Core Strategy (2011), Saved Policy TR5 of South Bucks Local Plan (1999), Policy IV7 of the Ivers Neighbourhood Plan (2022) and Paragraph 185 and 186 of the Framework (2021).

3.        The proposed development would not provide a policy compliant level of affordable housing provision, contrary to Policy CP3 of the South Bucks Core Strategy (2011), the South Bucks Affordable Housing SPG (2013) and Paragraph 65 of the Framework (2021).


It was agreed that the application be delegated to the Service Director of Planning & Environment to refuse the application following the expiry of the relevant publicity period for harm to the setting of a listed building, and a departure from Local Plan policy, if no new material considerations have arisen, for the reasons given above.


Speaking on behalf of Iver Parish Council: The speaker was unable to attend and therefore the Democratic Services Officer read out a statement in her absence.

Speaking on behalf of the objectors: Mr G Young

Speaking on behalf of the applicant: Mr M Corcoran


It was proposed by Councillor T Broom and seconded by Councillor S Chhokar.


Resolved: that the application be delegated to the Service Director of Planning & Environment to refuse the application for the reasons as stated above. 

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