Agenda item

Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West (BOB) Integrated Care Board (ICB) and its partner trusts are required to publish the first Joint Forward Plan (JFP) by 30 June 2023.  The JFP sets a rolling five-year ambition and will be updated annually before the beginning of each subsequent financial year.


This item provides the Committee with an opportunity to discuss how the JFP has been developed, the engagement undertaken, review the feedback received and discuss the next steps for ongoing development and delivery.



Rob Bowen, Acting Director of Strategy and Partnerships



Cover report

Appendix A – JFP Summary pack

Appendix B – JFP Feedback themes and responses


Robert Bowen, Acting Director of Strategy and Partnerships for the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West ICB, presented the Five Year Joint Forward Plan.


During their presentation, the following key points were made:


·        The Forward Plan would be produced annually and would give a 5 year outlook. It would focus on the NHS element of the system and the NHS delivery plans. It would focus on how the NHS is responding to the integrated care strategy, operational requirements and providing services that meet population needs.

·        There was balance between the short term and long term in the plan. Furthermore, within the BOB area, the 5-year plan aimed to establish ways of working together across all of the different partners within the ICB.

·        Challenges were recognised across the NHS, and it was important to come together to try to address these. Four key challenges had been identified within the forward plan. They were; how to tackle the inequalities prevalent across the system, the ‘model of care’ which referred to moving the focus of provision of care & support to keep people healthy in the community and Improvement of experience i.e. waiting times & access and sustainability, particularly financial sustainability & workforce challenges.

·        More work was to be done to set out a longer-term ambition to address these challenges, which would be done in partnership with the wider system environment, not just the NHS.


During the discussion, Members raised the following questions:

·          Silo working was an important challenge to address. Place based partnerships were key to breaking down silos. Over the coming years, it would become clearer how the constituent organisations would work across the various BOB boundaries. The ICB was early in establishing how scale could be used beneficially across the system, and several different provider collaboratives were being proposed.

·          There was an acute provider collaborative between the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust. They had a number of priorities already and would start to think about planning and using shared resources to break down organisational boundaries. A similar mental health provider collaborative brought together adult mental health, and children mental health services from Bucks Healthcare and Oxford Health.

·          The 5-year plan contained ambitions for where each service should be after 5 years. There was further detail on how this would be delivered in the plan. The reporting structure was to be decided, and it was proposed that there would be a twice-yearly update to the ICB Board and NHS Trusts.

·          A system transformation group would be setup which would have multiple organisations and professionals involved. The group members were yet to be finalised. This group would look at how to develop plans around challenge areas.

·          Data was highlighted as key to understanding the BOB area. By the end of the year, there would be a single integrated data set across the BOB system. This was high priority for the year. There was work being done to digitize our providers to ensure they had modern and fit for purpose systems.  


Supporting documents: