Agenda item

To consider Item 10


The Director of Finance and Assets advised Members that this action plan was originally approved by the Authority in December 2021, and this was the first update of progress since then. The original plan was split into two sections, adaptation and mitigation. Adaptation was about optimising the Service’s response to extreme weather events and two updates had been provided in response to Summer pressures, most recently at the Authority meeting last month. This paper acknowledged those updates, but the primary focus of this report was on mitigation.

Mitigation was the action to reduce the Authority’s own environmental impact. All previous actions were green or complete. There were two new actions; the first was around Unit 7. Vacating this building would have environmental benefits. The second action was to undertake a fully revised Property Strategy linked to the new Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP).


The Director of Finance and Assets highlighted that the Authority had now measured its carbon emissions baseline at 978 tonnes, which would allow future improvements to be quantified. Also, by signing up to a zero carbon electricity contract, the Authority had reduced projected emissions by an estimated 283 tonnes in the current year.


A Member was pleased to see the benefits of the zero carbon electricity contract, and asked if officers would be able to provide an update on the movement in energy prices since the contract was awarded. Also, how would it be decided to award contracts in future should a zero carbon contract not be the lowest cost option.


The Director of Finance and Assets advised that the current contract was only for one year due to the extreme volatility in prices last year. The good news was that prices had started to reduce since February. Officers would continue monitoring this to agree a one, two or possibly three year contract. In terms of zero carbon emissions, officers look for the best financial value, but also had an environmental responsibility and would take the decision along with the Lead Member for Finance and Assets, Information Security and IT.


 A Member was pleased to note that the Authority was looking at solar panels for the fire station in Marlow. However, there was a story in the local press recently regarding alleged wildlife destruction at the station. Could this be explained and what was being done by way of a response.


The Director of Finance and Assets advised Members that there was a proposed road scheme which would use some of the station’s land to expand the roadway to improve roundabout access. Whilst the scheme was on going, the land was not maintained, as there would be diggers driven over it etc., so it had become overgrown. The road scheme eventually did not proceed, so as part of the contract, the land was reinstated to the condition it was before. There was a group in Marlow, called Wild Marlow who observed this had happened and wrote to the local press about the destruction of this habitat, which was valuable to local wildlife. Plans were now in place to rectify this, and reinstate some of the land for wildlife, which would be very low cost and reduce the amount of maintenance. Wild Marlow would provide volunteers.


The Chairman was impressed with the work on the zero carbon electricity contract and felt it would be good for the Authority to promote this and the environmental and climate action plan update. A draft communication to be given to the Chairman and Vice Chairman to approve before publication.


The Chairman asked if the business case for Unit 7, setting out the options for exiting the building, could be presented to the Executive Committee in September.




That the Committee note the report.

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