Agenda item

To consider Item 12


The Director of Finance and Assets advised Members that these were both interim updates to align with the current Public Safety Plan. Both were to be revised for 2025 onwards to align with the Community Risk Management Plan. The original Fleet Strategy was approved in November 2017 and the substantive updates were noted in the Executive Summary. There was an updated action plan, and all previous actions had been completed or were business as usual. There was one new action, and that was to pilot the use of smaller response vehicles following the Summer pressures recommendations.


The Director of Finance and Assets advised Members that the Property Strategy was originally approved in May 2018, and the substantive updates were noted in the Executive Summary.


The Director of Finance and Assets advised Members there were a couple of typographical issues with the published version. These would be rectified for the final version. The Action Plan had 12 actions, which were either complete, ongoing, still to do or had been removed. The most significant update was to reflect the last five year condition survey which was completed last year and was the road map for all property work over the next few years. It was pleasing to note the continued improvement in work required each survey. In 2013, the value of work outstanding was £4.4m, 2017 £2.4m and 2022 had reduced to £1.6m, showing the value of continued improvement.


A Member asked about the disposal of red fleet, three appliances had recently been sold at auction in Doncaster, did officers investigate other methods of disposal of appliances.


The Director of Finance and Assets advised that various methods had been tried in the past, the appliances were assumed to have no value in the budget, so anything achieved was a bonus.


The Chairman asked if officers could speak to Councillor Hall regarding his knowledge and expertise in this area.


The Chairman asked about the £25k set aside for specific EDI improvements, and asked if this budget was sufficient.


The Deputy Director of Finance and Assets advised that the £25k set aside was more around basic modifications at stations, for example, if someone wanted to create a quiet room and wanted some furniture. There was a separate piece of work the Property Manager was undertaking, looking at standardisation at each Station, what was needed, what was feasible, carrying out a GAP analysis of how it would be undertaken.


The Director of Finance and Assets advised Members that when any work was carried out on stations now, the equality diversity and inclusion implications would be considered.


Following feedback from Members regarding the formatting of the draft Property Strategy, the Director of Finance and Assets amended his recommendation as follows:


That, subject to the amendments raised in respect of sections 17 and 19 of the Property Strategy, the updated fleet and property strategies to 2025 be approved.




That, subject to the amendments raised in respect of sections 17 and 19 of the Property Strategy, the updated fleet and property strategies to 2025 be approved.

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