Agenda item

To consider the report.


Contact Officer:  Glenn Watson


This report gave an overview of the Member Code of Conduct complaints that were opened and closed during Quarter 1 (April to June) this year. The Principal Governance Officer reported that of the eight complaints considered in Quarter 1, no breach of code was found.


In terms of Parish/Town Councils, two complaints were received and closed between April and June 2023. A further complaint, opened in March, was closed within the Quarter. A fourth complaint remained outstanding (see paragraph 2.7 of the report). The three concluded complaints related to three parish councils. In only one of these cases was the complainant a fellow member of the council. The most common cause of complaint was perceived disrespect. Following an Initial Assessment, the relevant Code was not found to be engaged in any of these cases.


In terms of Buckinghamshire Council three complaints were received and closed between April and June 2023. An additional complaint had been received in March but was closed within Quarter 1. In three of the four cases, the cause of complaint was also perceived disrespect. Another related to an allegation of bias and predetermination in a decision-making context. Following an Initial Assessment, the Code was not found to be engaged in any of these cases.


At the start of August ten complaints were currently open: five parish councillor complaints and five Buckinghamshire Councillor complaints. One parish council case (mentioned in Annex 1 of the report) was currently being formally investigated at Stage 3 and could, depending on the findings of the investigation, require the convening of a Hearing Sub-Committee to determine the matter. In all other cases, the complaints were at Stage 1 (Informal Resolution).


The Deputy Monitoring Officer had delivered two online Code of Conduct refresher sessions for Buckinghamshire Councillors, on 30 and 31 May during Quarter 1. The first of these was recorded for those councillors who could not attend the mandatory review. On 7 September, the Deputy Monitoring Officer would also help deliver training to parish and town councils through the Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes Association of Parish and Town Councils.


The Committee was updated on the discharge of sanctions, following breaches of the Code by a Hughenden Parish Councillor.  A Hearing Sub-Committee of this Council had recommended sanctions which Hughenden Parish Council approved.  It was noted that, at the time of the meeting, it was understood that the councillor in question had not yet complied with two of the sanctions – giving an apology to two complainants and attending certain training.  The Parish Council had been asked by the Deputy Monitoring Officer to confirm if and when the councillor would comply with these sanctions.


Noting that certain complaints in Annex 2 had been made about perceived non-response to emails, a Member commented that in terms of dealing with emails with residents it could be difficult to deal with them in a timely manner as some parishioners could be sending emails daily. He asked whether it would be possible to attend Code of Conduct refresher sessions held at parish council level and was informed that this was a matter for the Bucks and Milton Keynes Association of Local Councils.


RESOLVED that the Member Code of Conduct Complaints opened and closed in Quarter 1 (April to June 2023, as set out in Annexes 1 and 2) of the report and those currently open be noted.

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