Agenda item
· LCWIP update
· Parish Workshops update and discussion around Warm Hubs and Supporting rural GP surgeries.
Buckinghamshire Council update provided in the agenda pack.
Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP
“Workshops have recently been held with Buckinghamshire Council members, grouped by Community Board area, where the aspirations put forward have been considered. We are in the process of determining which inter-settlement corridors are to be taken forward for inclusion in the draft LCWIP. There will be public consultation on the draft, likely in early 2024.”
Paul added that the CB was not the forum to debate this.
It was asked whether there was any S106 funding for LCWIP?
Paul advised that we could not advise on any specific fund but the aim of the LCWIP was to get projects lined up and ready in case government or other funds became available.
David Truesdale commented that some S106 funding locally had to be spent within a 10-year time limit or risked being lost.
Review of Family Information Day held in Berryfields
Corrinna Martin gave an update on the Family Fun Day held in Berryfields on 23rd August - a presentation can be found appended to the action notes of the meeting. Young people and those with SEND said they wanted more safe spaces to go. All they wanted was a room with some games (indoors and outside), ‘old style’ youth work. She posed the questions of how can we do that as a community? How can we engage parents/grandparents? It is appreciated that some areas may only have a few young children- how can we get them together.
It was noted that the Council has a Youth Coordinator who can support exploring youth needs/youth clubs.
Regina Ichim, a resident from Berryfields, offered to get involved - promoting the CB and could ask neighbours if they would be interested in getting involved.
Action: Elaine- to follow up on intergenerational ideas for Berryfields with Regina and Corrina Martin from the Family Information Service.
Parish Workshops update
Parish workshops- Ashley gave a summary of the 2 workshops which had taken place- the notes have been shared with both groups.
Presubmitted question on 20 mph limits
Ashley read out question received from John Lewis regarding 20mph policy for schools. The following response was read out.
The current policy of Buckinghamshire Council is that Buckinghamshire Council and Thames Valley Police (TVP) currently only support a 20mph limit on roads without traffic calming where mean speeds are at or below 24mph. Change a speed limit | Buckinghamshire Council
Following a countywide review of speed limits for all public roads in Buckinghamshire in 2012, the Council are currently not funding any further speed limit changes across the county.
At the Cabinet meeting on 13th July a motion was proposed to implement a 20mph speed limit on roads outside all schools in Buckinghamshire. This motion was not carried, and that decision is recorded and available on the Council’s Mod Gov website.
The Haddenham and Waddesdon Community Board has a priority for road safety. If any communities wish to discuss a problem relating to road safety, the Community Board may be able to assist in line with the new Community Boards working with Highways Guide”
Richard List from Stone with Bishopstone and Hartwell queried whether this was a TVP policy. Paul advised that Bucks Council have a responsibility for road safety and TVP for any speed enforcement.
A Community Board majority felt that they would like to see evidence from areas that had implemented 20 mph limits. Nick Wasey from Chilton advised they had set up Community Speedwatch and had installed a temporary Speed Indicator Device which had recorded that 85th percentile of speeds had gone down from 37 to 32 mph. He felt the benefit of 20mph was about bringing the average speed down.
Ashley felt more analysis was needed to understand the pros and cons of 20 mph limits but emphasised that the CB could not change policy but could have a debate on the topic.
John Lewis from Chearsley and David Truesdale from Haddenham expressed frustration at the current policy and there was a strong feeling in the room that a debate should be held with a commitment from Bucks Council Councillors that they would listen.
Action: Paul advised that as a board we could not guarantee any outcome but would explore hosting a workshop to debate speed reduction and with ideally the Police and Crime Commissioner and Cabinet Member for Transport invited.
Presubmitted question on The Hundred of Ashendon
Luke Jamieson from Ashendon- resident of 17 years, asked to speak about The Hundred of Ashendon, one of the oldest pubs in the village which had supported the community for many years. Before Christmas the pub shut. Although commercially successful, the tenant wished to move on but a new tenant had not been found. Following an open meeting in the Spring there was a plan to purchase it as a community pub and create a community focus and vision that was at the heart of a wider community with food and social interaction. It would be environmentally friendly and carbon neutral. Surveys and focus groups had taken place. Around 20 people in the village were trying to make this happen. They were currently canvassing local neighbours with a survey and wanted to invite everyone attending the CB meeting to complete the survey- which would be much appreciated.
Supporting documents:
Sept 2023 Update from BC for CBs (1), item 7.
Berryfields Fun day presentation, item 7.