Agenda item

A review and recommendations for the operational arrangements for the Health and Wellbeing Board.


Rebecca Carley, Head of Business and Governance, Buckinghamshire Council.


Rebecca Carley, Head of Business and Governance, Buckinghamshire Council, stated that a periodic review of the operating arrangements had been carried out – see the appendix to the report in the agenda pack. Paragraph 3.2 highlighted the key changes:


·       Engagement with the voluntary sector - Rebecca had had a number of discussions with people involved with the Board, particularly Healthwatch Bucks and CIB on how the HWB could achieve effective engagement with the rich network of charities and community organisations who contributed to health and social care provision in Buckinghamshire.  It was proposed that the Board would reach out to organisations when there was an item on the agenda that they could contribute to.  It was a role for all members of the Board but CIB, as the voluntary sector representative on the board, would take the lead responsibility.

·       Healthwatch and CIB had contacted Rebecca and said it would be useful to have clarification around the distinction of their two roles on the Board.  Rebecca would add their suggested wording if the Board agreed.

·       Governance to allow the business of the board to continue if it did not justify or easily allow for a board to be convened to deal with it. 

·       The name to be changed to ‘Operational Guidance’.


The following key points were raised in discussion:


·       John Meech queried whether the delegation of decision making was too widely drawn?  Should the guidance ensure that a decision could not be made by just the Chair and Vice Chair?  Dr Sian Roberts commented that if the meeting was inquorate, it would not ensure that the right people were making the decision. The Chairman stated that it was very rare that a decision would need to be made outside of a meeting as the decisions were normally discussed and agreed by consensus at a board meeting and this was the Chairman’s preferred method. 

·       Dr Raj Bajwa commented that, ordinarily, it was difficult to convene a meeting at short notice and asked if it could be a virtual meeting?  Rebecca advised that the Buckinghamshire Council Constitution did not allow for the HWB to make decisions via a virtual meeting and that the best alternative would be for the Chairman and Vice Chairman to take soundings with board members before engaging with an appropriate statutory officer for a decision.  Craig McArdle suggested that a half-way house be built in for openness, engagement and transparency. Dr Rashmi Sawhney suggested emailing the Board members to convene a discussion on their opinions and the final decision then be made.  The Chairman caveated that the Board members would need to engage promptly as it would only be required in an emergency situation.  Dr Sawhney recommended having a deadline date for response, if no response was received, it would be taken as agreed.  

  • In response to a question from Philippa regarding the voluntary sector’s engagement and voting rights; Rebecca stated that the person(s) invited would sit at the table and participate in the meeting.  It was confirmed that they would not have voting rights. Katie Higginson advised that the HWB would bring in not-for-profit organisations, not individual volunteers, who had an interest/relevance in a particular agenda item.  Katie would meet with Rebecca a few weeks before each meeting and Katie would liaise with Rebecca and the Chairman to identify the right organisations to invite.  Katie would also share information with the wider sector about how they could engage with the board through asking questions in advance, coming along to the meetings or watching the recordings online.   Dr Jane O’Grady highlighted the importance of having the right representation from an inequalities angle.


The Chairman agreed with the points above and asked that the draft operational guidance be amended to reflect the comments and circulated for agreement.

Action:  Rebecca Carley




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