Agenda item
Roundtable discussions - Local Groups/Projects
Summary Introductions around the room: Keely from Community Pantry at Flackwell Heath. Non referral self-serving pantry, SB & CG visited, SB epitomises the what the CB is all about. Richard Chalmers from Oasis Bereavement Support supported over 4000 people in Flackwell Heath, have a wide reach from Denham, Princes Risborough & Henley. Soon to celebrate 25th anniversary. Michelle Bewley, Social Prescribing, Arc Bucks PCN – works with 6 GP practices, run talking cafes, community connector training. Marcus Firmin, resident. Started a project to keep areas tidy, planting wildflowers, with neighbours, took off with more people around the area. Cllr Andrew Wood, GX, Hedgerley and Sth Beaconsfield; Alison Wheelhouse, Cllr for Beaconsfield Ward, Chair of H&WB Action Group, Cllr Ron Gaffney for Hazelmere – lifetime at BC as trainee acct to Company Secretary; Paul Stack Chiltern Rangers, Cty Projects Manager, many local projects eg. rebuilt a pond at Juniper Hill School, Deborah Sanders representing the Mosaic Group in Beaconsfield – have installed 3 community led mosaics, also represent WI (who have worked with Chiltern Rangers). Paul Maddock of Beaconsfield School, also worked with CR. SB offered to do a talk in school as a barrister, runs a social mobility charity. Cllr Nathan Thomas (Tylers Green & Loudwater) and currently setting up a Youth Forum for the board. Cllr David Johncock (Flackwell Heath, Little Marlow and parts of Marlow Town, also on SW Chilterns Board). Chairman of Highways Action Group. Paul Mason, town councillor in Beaconsfield and Dep Major, chairing planning cttee. Debbie Hulme, oversees Beaconsfield Family Centre. Makyla Devlin CBM SW Chilterns & South Team Mgr, Cllr Thomas Broom; GX, Hedgerley and Sth Beaconsfield Liz Charter CBM DGXC CB and supporting Caroline.
Youth Forum Update from Cllr Nathan Thomas
Summary A priority for a long time for the board. Plan to engage with all secondary schools in the area: Sir William Ramsey, The Beaconsfield School and Beaconsfield High. Looking for 2-4 students from each to join the Youth Forum. Going to put resources behind to help the students make a difference in the community. First meeting intended for November. Partnered with Participation Co-ordinators in the council. SB – vitally important to empower young people, great opportunity to engage. Paul Maddox, creating ambassadors within the school as well, environment and wellbeing are priorities. NT – environment seems to be one of the biggest priorities for the schools. Paul Stack – is Alfriston school on the list? Action
NT to follow up and check for others that may have been missed. CG, contact? PS to email Dave Waterman & cc CG.
Chiltern Rangers – Paul Stack
Summary Gave overview of projects that have delivered with support of CB and other partners, incl Beaconsfield Town Council, local schools. Slides shared and attached to minutes. 1. Allotments 2. Stepping Stones Programme. 3. AlfristonSchool – woodland restoration – new orchard, including a wildflower and tree nursery. SB – would like to connect those working in supporting mental health in youth. PS – about communities and conservation – communities first. Paul Maddock explained 3 projects with CRs that have had positive impact on school lives. New projects listed on slide. Question Deborah Sanders, CR work with WI and river clearing conservation work. PS – proposed to explore mixed age volunteering.
Richard Chalmers, Oasis at Christchurch
Summary Bereavement work in the community. Meet once a month in the evenings. second Weds of the month and 2 afternoons. High numbers attend. Give talks to local doctors and local groups. Run on donations and run fundraising events. Launched a group in Beaconsfield. People come from Denham, Uxbridge. Want to support people. Comment: Michelle Michelle Bewley – Arc Bucks PCN as a Social Prescriber
Summary Social Prescribers help people with non-medical issues. Help & support for 12 weeks, set small goals and send out into the community. A lot of work is with social inclusion. 86,000 patients. Want to build on social capital. Here to network. These meetings very valuable. Run talking cafes in local communities, led to launch of Digital Cafes in local libraries – to help those with social media. Partnered with NHS digital trust to get on NHS digital app. Shared slides attached to minutes. Have a Get online week on Oct 17th, coincides with launch of Digital Cafes. Also walks, weight, wellbeing, working with CR. SB – select cttee looking at digital exclusion/inclusion. Alison Wheelhouse – will share on Beaconsfield social media. Connect with Paul Maddoc to work with younger people. Action – share emails. Keely how to connect in other ways other than digital. Action – SB & CG to discuss how to use notice boards.
Marcus Firmin
Summary Slides shared – with minutes. Turned verges outside his house to wildflower verges, caught attention from neighbours and created how to videos and project grew. Like to understand interest and how to make Flackwell Heath a richer greener space, run a pilot project. Different people look after different areas of land, 100’s of people interested, residents association, FB group, football club, potential with schools and churches. Action SB & CG to visit and work out how to make it happen.
Keely ?? – Community Food Bank Provision
Summary Used to be student welfare officer at John Hampden. Would like to collaborate with Chiltern Rangers to explore GICIEI. Summarised all the good ideas that can share. Asking for one action – if you hear of anyone through your connections who are struggling with cost of living and finds it difficult to walk through a door to ask for help, please do this for them.