Agenda item


Proposal:  Outline application (including details of access and layout) for construction of 87 dwellings with associated landscaping, amenity space, infrastructure and parking following demolition of existing dwelling at 20 Wycombe Road with all other matters reserved.


A site visit was carried out on 17 October 2023.


Adam Smith, Principal Planning Officer, referred to the update report and also provided the following verbal update:


·   Committee members had received direct correspondence from third parties.

·   Correspondence had been received from Sarah Green, Member of Parliament for Chesham and Amersham, raising concerns regarding the timing of the Committee and the absence of a consultee response from Thames Valley Crime Prevention Design Advisor.  However, the Crime Prevention Design Advisor was consulted in July.  Furthermore, they had previously commented and the matters raised had been addressed in the committee report, including conditions as necessary.


Speaking as local member, Councillor Catherine Oliver


Speaking as a Buckinghamshire Councillor, Councillor Gareth Williams


Speaking as a local member, Councillor Ed Gemmel


Speaking on behalf of Little Missenden Parish Council, Councillor Jane Fallon.


A statement was read out by Councillor Alan Cecil on behalf of Councillor Paul Fleming, Hazlemere Parish Council.


Speaking as objectors, Susan Jamson and Simon Jones.


Speaking as the agent, Hywel James.


It was proposed by Councillor Michael Rand, seconded by Councillor Patrick Fealey and agreed at a vote:




That the application be delegated to the Director of Planning and Environment for APPROVAL subject to the satisfactory completion of a Legal Agreement and the imposition of planning conditions broadly in accordance with the details set out in the main report (and as amended by the update report and subject to all planning obligations complying with the CIL Regulations) as considered appropriate by the Director of Planning and Environment.  


Or, if these cannot be achieved, then for the application to be REFUSED for such reasons as the Director of Planning and Environment considers appropriate.


In the event of any changes being needed to the wording of this resolution (such as to delete, vary or add conditions/informatives/planning obligations or reasons for approval/refusal) prior to the decision being issued, the Director of Planning and Environment has delegated authority to do so in consultation with the Chairman, provided that the changes do not exceed the substantive nature of the Strategic Sites Committee’s resolution


and subject to amending the legal agreement, conditions and informatives that were set out in the report and update report with the following changes:


·       To secure in the legal agreement (item k) a requirement for the submission of an annual sustainable travel plan monitoring report to review the success of the travel plan measures.

·        A condition requiring lighting plans for the access drive and the parking courts.

·        A condition requiring the submission for approval of a car parking management strategy, and compliance with the approved strategy.

·       A condition requiring that external appearance reserved matter includes that plots 49 and 50 are of a hipped roof design rather than with gable ends and requiring there to be no flank windows in these dwellings.

·        Amendment to the wording of condition 45 so that the prohibition on gates does not prevent gates to the approved parking courts.

·       A condition requiring that the landscaping reserved matter includes planting to be provided all along the south-western and north-western boundaries.

·       An informative that appropriate landscape planting be provided along the boundary of Kestrel Way and Inkerman Drive.

·       The reserved matters application(s) to be brought back to the Strategic Sites Committee for consideration.


Note 1:  A comfort break was taken between 12.05-12.19 p.m.

Note 2:  A lunch break was taken between 1.37-2.17 p.m.

Note 3:  A comfort break was taken between 3.11-3.17 p.m.


Supporting documents: