Agenda item
To receive an update from Residents’ Associations.
Iver Heath
· We are, in common with many community groups, now adapting to a post C-19 Lockdown social environment and the challenges that presents.
· We held a very successful AGM on the 14th October attended by 35+ members . At the meeting a new committee and importantly new committee structure was approved on behalf of our 200+ membership. This includes the inclusion of
· Area Stewards on the committee to encourage an increase and diversification in membership. Following the official business of the AGM much time was given over to contentious planning matters supported by Parish and BU councillors.
· Going forward we intent to build upon much closer collaboration with other RAs and community groups to ensure co-ordination and minimum duplication of time and effort in addressing matters of common concern. In particular representing our members interests to TIPC, BUC and W&ICB and involvement in local events that increase community engagement and to support and strengthen existing community capital and resilience.
· We share IVRAs concerns about the match funding requirement for grants from the board. We believe this is discriminatory and likely to favour established groups with their own revenue and income sources and is likely to enable a higher proportion of already limited funding allocation going to groups supported by local businesses.
Iver Village
Since the last Community Board meeting, the IVRA had an AGM where 11 Committee Members have been selected (up from 7 in the previous year). This growth will allow us to do much more for the residents, share the workload, hear more opinions, and therefore – represent the residents better. During the AGM and the following meetings, we showed our commitment to a different type of leadership by organising the chairs in a circle where everyone is equal. We also dedicated a large portion of the AGM to hearing what residents want us to focus on and we base this year’s activities on the feedback we heard.
One of the main issues raised was the parking around Iver High Street. Many residents told us prior to the meeting that the plan produced by the Community Board was a bad one; mainly because it was produced without involving the residents during its creation.
A few weeks after the AGM, we arranged a meeting with the residents and heard what they liked and disliked about the previous plan. The result was a whole different plan, which included a mix of double-yellow lines and areas with time-limited parking. We also concluded that one of the side streets next to the High Street may be adversely affected and set up a separate meeting to discuss it with the residents of the said street. The result of this exercise is a much more robust plan that has a better chance of getting the majority’s support. Unfortunately, we don’t see how we’ll be able to take this plan forward since we can’t identify anyone who has enough interest in it to pay 50% of the cost.
We think that the requirement for 50% match funding is a bad practice that can inhibit the execution of crucial projects and can also breed corruption by encouraging the inclusion of groups with a financial interest in projects. We suggest that projects such as parking consultations should have 100% funding since they are the sole responsibility of the council.
Another subject that came up during the AGM was the path to Iver Station – the path is in a terrible state and we can’t wait any longer for the council to reconstruct it since it’s one of the only ways to get into Iver Station from the village (no reasonable bus service is available, no parking is allowed within 15 minutes’ walk, no car park exists, and there is no bicycle path). We chased the council through all the local councillors and very little progress has been made – we are grateful for the hard work done by our councillors but our patience with the council is running low.
To finish this update on a positive note:
· We are also involved in the creation of a 2nd version of the Neighbourhood plan and will ensure that the residents of Iver Village are consulted through the different stages.
· We applied for a small grant from the Community Board to purchase a notice board that would help us reach more residents and keep them informed.
· We are assisting with IPC’s Christmas event.
· We continue to work well with the other RA’s of the Ivers, and have forged good working relationships with local businesses, organisations and councillors.
Richings Park
· SMARTVILLE: resolved to take on the responsibility for the project from the small team that kicked it off 4 years ago. September 26 held an update meeting for local residents.
· TREE PLANTING: The Woodland Trust have offered us 15 trees to be planted around Richings Park. Delivery expected soon.
· AIR QUALITY: Survey shows residents are in favour of reducing speed limits to improve air quality.
· KINGFISHER GARDENS: The water hemlock issue has still not been resolved with Bucks Council. Currently the garden is closed.
· SPORTS DAY: successfully staged on July 8 at the Sports Club
· WORLD FOOD DAY: successfully staged at the Sports Club on August 27.
· PLANNING: Attended and commented on numerous development applications.
· HEATHROW: attended and participated in their Noise & Air Space Forum and their Local Community Forum meetings.
· COLNE VALLEY PARK: worked with them in lobbying BC on issues connected with Green Belt development.
· CENTENARY QUILT: being created by a team and an unveiling ceremony planned for November 3rd.