Agenda item


Supplementary Planning Documents provided guidance to implement Local Plan policies. This Supplementary Planning Document applied to the Shenley Park site allocation (D-WHA001) near Whaddon in the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan. To adopt a Supplementary Planning Document, the Council was legally required to conduct a public consultation for a minimum of four weeks. A six-week consultation was conducted from 30 August to 11 October 2023 and the report now requested that Cabinet adopted this Supplementary Planning Document.


The Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan set out a vision and framework for sustainable growth across the North and Central planning areas area for the period up to 2033. It promoted new development to meet identified needs, which would contribute to creating a thriving, diverse, safe, vibrant place to live, work and visit.


This policy allocated the site for at least 1,150 homes, forming part of the housing requirement for the VALP. The allocation was for “an exemplar development, of regional significance, which would be a great place to live, work and grow. Built to a high sustainable design and construction standards, the development would provide a balanced mix of facilities to ensure that it met the needs and aspirations of new and existing residents, at least 1,150 homes, 110 bed care home/extra care facility, new primary school, subject to need a site for new secondary school, multifunctional green infrastructure (in compliance with Policies I1 and I2 and associated Appendices), mixed use local centre, exemplary Sustainable Drainage Systems, new link road between A421 Buckingham Road and H6 and or H7 Childs Way/Chaffron Way, public transport and cycling and walking links."


In addition to infrastructure, the Supplementary Planning Document also set out key principles for design and landscaping to ensure that a new long-term defensible edge and buffer between the village of Whaddon and the new development was created. It also identified an extension to the existing Tattenhoe Valley park in the southern half of the site.


RESOLVED that the Shenley Park Supplementary Planning Document be adoped (site D-WHA001 of the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan).


Supplementary Planning Documents provided guidance to implement Local Plan policies. This Supplementary Planning Document applied to the Shenley Park site allocation (D-WHA001) near Whaddon in the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan. To adopt a Supplementary Planning Document, the Council was legally required to conduct a public consultation for a minimum of four weeks. A six-week consultation was conducted from 30 August to 11 October 2023 and the report now requested that Cabinet adopted this Supplementary Planning Document.


The Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan set out a vision and framework for sustainable growth across the North and Central planning areas area for the period up to 2033. It promoted new development to meet identified needs, which would contribute to creating a thriving, diverse, safe, vibrant place to live, work and visit.


This policy allocated the site for at least 1,150 homes, forming part of the housing requirement for the VALP. The allocation was for “an exemplar development, of regional significance, which would be a great place to live, work and grow. Built to a high sustainable design and construction standards, the development would provide a balanced mix of facilities to ensure that it met the needs and aspirations of new and existing residents, at least 1,150 homes, 110 bed care home/extra care facility, new primary school, subject to need a site for new secondary school, multifunctional green infrastructure (in compliance with Policies I1 and I2 and associated Appendices), mixed use local centre, exemplary Sustainable Drainage Systems, new link road between A421 Buckingham Road and H6 and or H7 Childs Way/Chaffron Way, public transport and cycling and walking links."


In addition to infrastructure, the Supplementary Planning Document also set out key principles for design and landscaping to ensure that a new long-term defensible edge and buffer between the village of Whaddon and the new development was created. It also identified an extension to the existing Tattenhoe Valley park in the southern half of the site.


During discussion the following points were made:-


·         With reference to the following words in the document “The Development Framework offers the ability to address transport priorities as they evolve” a Cabinet Member asked for further clarification on what this meant. She referred to land being safeguarded for duelling and how this was triggered which would hopefully be before there was major congestion. The Corporate Director reported that there was a planning application for this site already. There was an opportunity through consideration of the planning application to see if there were any traffic solutions that could be implemented as a consequence of the planning application. There was also the ability to future proof the area through the SPD as well as the planning application in terms of responding to any future traffic issues including issues that the Council was not aware of at the moment. 

·         Reassurance was asked for in that transport modelling would be undertaken at the appropriate time in a holistic manner. The Cabinet Member for Planning and Regeneration gave an assurance that the modelling would accurately reflect that part of the SPD. The Corporate Director reported that there had already been various degrees of modelling taking place such as the sites allocated in the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan and there would have been an extension of that as part of the SPD assessment but there would be further more detailed modelling as part of the planning application and at every single stage these would become more detailed.

·         It was noted that the Parish Council had a number of concerns about the development and it was important that there was a continuing dialogue with the developers and planners. One concern was traffic impact, particularly the increased congestion on the A421 and the risk of rat running through the village so it was important that the necessary traffic calming and speed limits were put in place in Whaddon village. The future A421 study should be progressed as quickly as possible and the future cumulative impact of other developments in the area should be considered. Another concern was the maintenance and protection of the green buffer zone and the arrangements for its long term ongoing management. There should be a robust boundary line to the development along the new perimeter link road to avoid any further encroachment to maintain this green buffer. Milton Keynes Council would also like any information on discussions where possible. The Cabinet Member reported that all these points raised by Whaddon Parish Council would be taken very seriously.

·         Concern was raised about tree planting along the verges incase this land was going to be used for duelling. The Corporate Director reported that the land set aside would be for future duelling and as part of any detailed development they would make sure that any planting would accommodate that future use. In the SPD they were setting out the principle of having a tree lined road which would need to respect the fact that there might be future duelling. The Leader commented that the trees would need to be set back from the road so it did not impinge on any future road plans.


RESOLVED that the Shenley Park Supplementary Planning Document be adoped (site D-WHA001 of the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan).

Supporting documents: