Agenda item


Cabinet received a report that detailed the performance of the key performance measures reported through the Corporate Performance Framework for 2021/22. Latest performance outturns and targets for the quarter 2 period were reported alongside trend and benchmarking information, where available.




(1)               That the Council’s performance for the Quarter 2 period 2021-22 be noted.

(2)               That the actions being taken to improve performance, where required, be noted.


John Chilver, Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources, Property and Assets introduced the report which comprised the following two items:

·                      The performance report, which provided details of the key performance measures reported through the corporate performance framework for 2021/22.  Latest performance outturns and targets were reported alongside trend and benchmarking information, where available. The report also includes several indicators without targets for this year, that were being monitored to establish a baseline level of performance and monitor trends. Commentary was provided for each indicator explaining what was being measured, explaining the narrative behind each outturn and detailing improvement actions.

·                      The performance scorecard, which provided information on four key elements of performance for the Council covering Finance, Customer Service, Performance and Human Resources indicators. These are arranged in four quadrants.


Within the performance report and performance scorecard, outturns that were performing at or better than target are classified as Green, those that were within 5% of the target were Amber and those that were more than 5% of the target were Red. At the end of Quarter 2, 84 indicators had outturns reported with a Red, Amber or Green status. Of these, 53 were Green (63%), 7 were Amber (8%) and 24 were Red (29%).  Cabinet were informed that the majority of the red performance indicators had been impacted due to the Covid-19 pandemic.


Cabinet Members then provided comprehensive explanations for the performance marked as red where performance was more than 5% off the target for each of their portfolio’s, these were as follows:



·                     Unemployment Claimant Rate – the indicator measured the unemployment claimant count in Buckinghamshire and the result was 70% of the national rate against a target of 55%.  The Leader commented that he would speak with the Local Enterprise Partnership and Bucks Business First to understand the reason for being below target and what action could be taken. Work would also be undertaken with the Economic Growth and Regeneration Service via an Employability and Skills Taskforce and also through Bucks Skills Hub.

·                     Strategic Infrastructure projects: % profiled spend achieved – the target was 50% against the current value of 33.94%. This related to the South East Aylesbury Link Road which had been delayed because of the Compulsory Purchase Order/Side Road Order Open Space Inquiry from June to November.

Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Environment

·                     % of waste collected for recycling, reuse, composting or anaerobic digestion from household sources (household collection and Household Recycling Centres) – target of 60% against a current value of 53.19%. As reported earlier there was some disruption with kerbside collections due to driver shortages and food waste had been sent to disposal – energy from waste in the south administration area. Better incentives were being offered to drivers and figures were improving.

·                     % of Missed Bin Collections – 0.16 against a target of 0.15% this was an improvement since Q1 and a marked improvement against the previous year – this was due to introduction of a new more reliable fleet.

Cabinet Member for Communities

·                     % of female victims supported by IDVAs who have their risk level reduced – this target had a green RAG rating but was specifically mentioned because of the concern around domestic violence particularly its increase nationally during the pandemic. Cabinet Members noted that the Domestic Violence Strategy would be considered at the next Cabinet meeting.

Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure

·                     Number of visits to main cultural venues – the target was 135,000 but the current value was 52,000. Q2 performance was an improvement against Q1 but it still fell short of the target due to social distancing measures and theatres only opening in early September.  However Cabinet Members noted that the Swan Theatre in Wycombe was now back to normal and people could now sit next to each other.

·                     The number of visitors to Country and Town Park had exceeded the target and tribute was paid to the team who provided excellent support.

Cabinet Member for Education and Children’s Services

·                     % of assessments completed in 45 working days – target was 84% against current value of 66% - this was due to 53% rise in the number of assessments, an increase in the number of complex cases and also there were significant challenges in recruiting staff

·                     % of children with Initial Child Protection Conferences completed within 15 working days of the strategy discussion – the target was 85% against a current value of 34%. The Corporate Director for Children’s Services informed Members that the increase in demand had led to a 149% rise in the number of children subject to an ICPC during Q2 which had adversely affected performance. This has been escalated to the Chair of the Safeguarding Children’s Partnership and there was weekly monitoring overseen by the Service Director with more conference slots created. The current value was now moving in the right direction and was around 50%.

·                     The Leader congratulated staff on the Education Health and Care Plans being issued within 20 weeks, which had exceeded the target with the current value at 83%.

Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources, Property and Assets

·                     Average % of phone calls in Customer Service Centres abandoned before being answered – the target was 10% with the current value at 11.8%.  The Cabinet Member reported that there had been a 10% increase in calls which had been driven by two service areas; waste and council tax. A number of improvement actions had been put in place to address this including a call back facility, web chat  and self-service online options

·                     % of invoices paid within 30 days – the target was 95% with a current value of 81%. The Service Director Corporate Finance reported that this was a one off technical issue which was experienced when processing payments for one supplier and this would be rectified in the next quarter.

Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing

·                     Number of younger people (aged 18-64) admitted to permanent residential or nursing care homes per head of 100,000 population – the target was 7.4% against a current value of 9.2. The Cabinet Member reported that this was due to the pandemic as some care homes were not admitting people during 2020/21 which had led to additional pent up demand once restrictions were relaxed. Admissions have now fully commenced again which had led to the number of admissions being over target. Members noted that this indicator related to a small number of people therefore a swing of 2 or 3 people could push the indicator to a red RAG rating.

·                     % of births that receive a face-to-face New Birth Visit within 14 days by a health visitor in the quarter – this was a target of 90% with a current value of 79%. The new birth visits had gone down this quarter due to capacity within Aylesbury and Wycombe teams experiencing staff shortages as a result of the pandemic and an increase in safeguarding/vulnerable families in this period. A deep dive was completed and those outstanding were all completed by day 18. The service area were working hard to improve measures as it was important to identify whether new mothers were seen within the two week window in order to see if they were suffering from post-natal depression.

Cabinet Member for Housing, Homelessness and Regulatory Services

·                     Number of households living in temporary accommodation for over 12 months – the current value was 78 against a target of 32. This was an increase from Q1 where there were 76 households living in temporary accommodation. Numbers had increased due to a change in how they were recorded and the target may need to be reviewed. In addition there were a number of people needed one bedroom or three/four bedroom accommodation where demands for this type of accommodation were high.

·                     % of homelessness decisions taking over 56 days – the target was 40% but the current value was 52%. The Cabinet Member reported that the reason for not achieving the target was because the Housing Service had been focussed on preventing people from becoming homeless and therefore reducing the need for temporary accommodation. The service had also been experiencing additional pressures with covid-19 discretionary placements and also 834 new applications for housing advice over this period. The Housing Service was working on improving timescales with stronger performance monitoring.

Cabinet Member for Planning and Regeneration

·                     % of enforcement appeals allowed – the current value was 25% and the target 20%. Cabinet Members noted that the results were affected by low numbers of appeals.  In the last quarter 25% of appeals were allowed – as a split decision was issued and 75% of other appeals were dismissed.

·                     % of major planning approvals determined in 13 weeks or with agreed extension of time – this was an amber RAG rating with a target of 80% and a current value of 77%. The Planning Team were working hard to improve results despite having a significant increase in workload. Work was being undertaken to temporarily increase resource, including retaining consultants whilst continuing to recruit permanent staff.

Cabinet Member for Transport

·                     % of gullies cleaned against the cyclical gully programme –  the target was 95% against a current value of 72%. From June the team experienced issues regarding the national HGV driver shortage which was also exacerbated by some operatives having to isolate. Numerous mitigation measures had been put in place including increased resources. 72% of gullies had been cleared and staff were working additional hours and weekends.

·                     Major transport schemes: % of profiled spend achieved – the target was 50% with the current value 35.5%. After a slow start to the year most of the projects were getting back on track. Delays experienced included Westhorpe which had slower than expected progress in National Highways approvals, A41 delay due to additional ground investigation work and Abbey Barn Lane delayed due to a modelling issue. The Team were working hard to mitigate this.

·                     % eligible clients who are provided with transport before the required start date, or no later than 15 working days from the date the transport assessment was completed (SEND), or all information was received to provide transport (Mainstream) – this had a target of 95% against a current value of 84%. Cabinet Members noted that the measure would be amended so that the 15 working days started from when the transport assessment was completed for Special Educational Needs and Disability clients so that measures were under the Service areas control. Changes in software due in December would also provide better information for team workflows which would help improve operational performance.




(1)               That the Council’s performance for the Quarter 2 period 2021-22 be noted.

(2)               That the actions being taken to improve performance, where required, be noted.

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