Issue - decisions

18/02/2020 - Waste collections arrangements for the South of the county

This report updates Members on the procurement project to deliver a new waste collection, recycling and street cleaning contract, (hereafter called the contract), covering the current Council areas of Chiltern, South Bucks and Wycombe and seeks approval to the necessary financial commitment to enable the award of the contract.



1.    To note the background and progress on the waste, recycling and street cleansing contract procurement project.

2.    To approve the financial commitment for a new waste collection, recycling and street cleansing contract for the Chiltern, South Bucks and Wycombe areas, having regard to the procurement and financial information contained within this report and the confidential Appendix, which is in line with the approved budget.

3.    To note that the award of this contract is also being reported to Chiltern, South Bucks and Wycombe Council Cabinets for approval.


To note that the reports to the District Councils will recommend:


1.    To note the background and progress on the waste, recycling and street cleansing contract procurement project.

2.    To award a contract to the preferred bidder for a new waste collection, recycling and street cleansing contract for the Chiltern, South Bucks and Wycombe areas having regard to the procurement and financial information contained within this report and the confidential Appendix.