Issue - decisions

23/07/2020 - Leisure Services Recovery

The Leader:

1.             Considered the available options summarised in this report.

2.             AGREED Option 1 to meet the anticipated increased net costs for the Council’s leisure facility services from August 2020 to the end of March 2021, to ensure the reopening of leisure facilities, to protect the Council’s assets and to promote financial viability.

3.             AGREED to review the position again in early 2021 to determine any amendments to the contractual arrangements to promote long-term financial sustainability.

4.             Noted the plans to progress a long-term leisure strategy which will seek to ensure accessible provision for residents and financial sustainability in the long term.

5.             DELEGATED to the Service Director of Culture Sport & Leisure, s151 and Monitoring Officers authority to finalise and implement the necessary legal and financial documentation to bring into effect the arrangements and resultant payments set out in the recommendations above.


NB.In a major emergency, the Leader may take any immediate urgent decision required without consultation. The current Covid-19 pandemic qualifies as a major emergency, as it is an event that causes or threatens death or injury and disruption to the community on such a scale that the effects cannot be dealt with by the emergency services, local authorities and other organisations as part of their normal, day to day activities.