Issue - decisions

29/03/2022 - Q3 Budget Monitoring Report 2021-22

The report set out the overview of the financial Revenue and Capital outturn position for Buckinghamshire Council for the financial year 2021/22 as at quarter 3. The Appendix provided further detail for each Portfolio and information about performance relating to overdue debts and late payments of commercial debt.




(1)          That the current forecast outturn for the financial year 2021/22 and the associated risks and opportunities, be noted.

(2)          That the principle to transfer unused contingencies at year end, currently forecast at £6.2m, to an earmarked reserve be approved.  The reserve will be used to mitigate the potential impact of Local Government fund reform, and heightening risks around the financial implications associated with inflation, Adult Social Care reforms and the ongoing impact of Covid-19.