Issue - decisions

01/03/2022 - Ofsted Inspection Outcome

Children’s Services in Buckinghamshire had been judged to be inadequate by Ofsted in August 2014 and November 2017.  Following the November 2017 ‘Inadequate’ judgement, Ofsted had recently conducted their reinspection of services for children in need of help and protection, children looked after and care leavers. As part of the inspection, inspectors evaluated:

·                overall effectiveness of the service

·                the experiences and progress of children in need of help and protection

·                the experiences and progress of children in care and care leavers

·                the impact of leaders on social work practice with children and families


This inspection had found that Buckinghamshire was no longer ‘Inadequate’, and the overall judgement of Children’s Services was ‘requires improvement to be good’. The report had been published on Friday 11 February 2022 and could be accessed here.


Members thanked staff for the work that they had done over a number of years, including during the pandemic, that had resulted in the latest Ofsted rating.  It was stated that there was no room for complacency, and it was the aspiration for the Council that Children’s Services be rated at least good at the next Ofsted inspection.




That the positive outcome of the Ofsted re-inspection of services for children in need of help and protection, children looked after and care leavers be NOTED.