Issue - decisions

07/01/2020 - Draft Revenue Budget and Capital Programme

This report sets out the draft revenue budget and capital programme for Buckinghamshire Council. This includes updates on the latest estimated funding position, service budget pressures and the key financial risks facing the Council in the future, along with a copy of the draft Corporate Plan.  The Council Tax Resolution report will accompany this report and contain the final information from the other precepting authorities leading to the total Council Tax for the area, which the Shadow Authority is required to approve. This report will include special expenses where relevant. The budget has been prepared on the assumption that the current arrangements for special expenses will continue.



·         To approve the draft revenue budget and capital programme and the draft Corporate Plan.

·         To note that a supplementary report, the formal Council Tax Resolution, will accompany the final Budget to Shadow Authority.

·         To agree the delegation of decisions on Opt to Tax to the S151 officer (see section 9).