Issue - decisions

07/06/2022 - Buckinghamshire Electric Vehicle (EV) Action Plan 2022-27

A draft Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure Strategy had been initiated in 2020.  Following the COVID pandemic, rapid changes in the electric vehicle market, and the publication of the national EV Infrastructure Strategy in March 2022 the Council had refreshed and extended the scope of this study to also consider the role of electric buses, taxis, the Council’s fleet vehicles, and how to increase the number and type of charge points most efficiently.


The previous work undertaken had been very technical and would be maintained as a standalone background research document known as the ‘Electric Vehicle Study 2022’.  A shorter ‘EV Action Plan’ had been developed from the evidence in the Study, as well as input from Council officers, feedback from Members, and assistance from the Energy Saving Trust who administer the multiple government EV charge point funding streams.


The Study and Action Plan were considered key in supporting the continued uptake in EVs across Buckinghamshire and the delivery of key targets in Climate Change and Air Quality Strategy 2021.




That the Buckinghamshire Council’s Electric Vehicle Action Plan (EVAP) 2022-2027 be ADOPTED.