Issue - decisions

15/09/2022 - Burcott Lane, Bierton Waiting Restrictions

The Leader:


a)           CONSIDERED the feedback received at Statutory Consultation


b)          APPROVED the making of the Traffic Regulation Order as set out in this report, for the installation of no waiting at any time restrictions on Burcott Lane junction (as shown in appendix C)


c)           AGREED that responders to the Statutory Consultation be informed of the decision as well as implement the traffic regulation order and related works.

07/09/2022 - Burcott Lane, Bierton Waiting Restrictions (Decision to be taken)



a)      To consider the feedback received at Statutory Consultation


b)     To approve the making of the Traffic Regulation Order as set out in this report, for the installation of no waiting at any time restrictions on Burcott Lane junction (as shown in appendix C)


c)      That responders to the Statutory Consultation be informed of the decision as well as implement the traffic regulation order and related works.