Issue - decisions

12/07/2022 - Highways Term Maintenance Contract - Award

The procurement project team, with support from other disciplines from across the Council and externally, had made positive progress with the delivery of the new Highways operating model and the associated procurement activity and were on programme to deliver these key contracts for the Council.


One of these contracts was the appointment of a new Term Maintenance Contractor.  The Cabinet report paper, and the confidential Appendix 1, reported on the outcome of the procurement exercise and recommended the award of contract to the preferred bidder with the most economically advantageous tender in accordance with the agreed assessment model for quality and price.


The Term Maintenance Contract was a key component of the new Highway service contracts and awarding it would enable the smooth transfer to the new operating model for the Highways Service and ensure business continuity.  It would reflect value for money and was lower than current costs on a like for like basis.




(1)               That progress made to date on the procurement of the new Highways Services Contracts be NOTED.

(2)               That the award of the Highways Term Maintenance contract to the preferred bidder be AGREED, as detailed within confidential Appendix 1.