Issue - decisions

12/07/2022 - Q1 Budget Monitoring Report 2022-23

The report set out the overview of the financial Revenue and Capital outturn position for Buckinghamshire Council for the financial year 2022/23 as at quarter 1.

This was the first budget monitoring report for the new financial year and came at a time when the Council was experiencing significant financial pressures due to the current economic situation and the high levels of inflation. 


The forecast Revenue outturn position for 2022/23 was an adverse variance of £3.8m, 1% of Portfolio budgets.  Appendix 1 provided detailed information on the revenue forecast outturn by Portfolio.  £19.2m of savings were incorporated into the approved 2022-23 Revenue budgets.


At this early point in the year, Portfolios were forecasting that the Capital Programme would be managed to the agreed budget level (with no forecast variance). However, the current exceptional level of inflation and the risk that shortages of building materials could further drive up prices and cause delays and slippage in the programme would have a significant impact on what could be delivered within the approved budget for the year.




(1)               That the report, including the risks and opportunities contained within it, be NOTED. 

(2)               That the drawdown of £1.5m from the “Mitigating Future Financial Risks” Reserve be APPROVED, to fund the unconsolidated element of the 2022/23 pay award as approved by the Senior Appointments & Pay Committee (SAPC). 
(Note: This can be funded from reserves as it is a one-off element and will not be incorporated into the base budget going forwards.)