Issue - decisions

04/08/2022 - Ivinghoe Double Yellow Lines – Parking Restrictions

The Deputy Leader on behalf of the Leader AGREED after considering the feedback received at the Statutory Consultation:-


a) To authorise the making of the Traffic Regulation Order as set out in the report, for the installation of ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ restrictions at High Street, Ivinghoe.


c) That responders to the Statutory Consultation be informed of the decision, and to implement the traffic regulation order and related works.


27/07/2022 - Ivinghoe Double Yellow Lines – Parking Restrictions (Decision to be taken)



It is recommended that the Leader:


a)                  Consider the feedback received at the Statutory Consultation


b)                 Authorises the making of the Traffic Regulation Order as set out in this report, for the installation of ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ restrictions at High Street, Ivinghoe.


c)                  Agrees that responders to the Statutory Consultation are informed of the decision, and to implement the traffic regulation order and related works.