Issue - decisions

28/01/2020 - Revenues and Benefits Policies and Schemes

The Revenues & Benefits Service collects Council Tax, Business Rates and administers claims for Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction. Whilst much of the service is prescribed there is some local discretion. This report sets out the final set of policies where local discretion exists that need to be in place for Vesting day. The policies are required to ensure that a fair and consistent approach is taken for decision making across the Council’s area, and to ensure the correct legal framework is in place.


RESOLVED:  That Shadow Executive agrees 1. To recommend to the Shadow Authority that effective from 1 April 2020, 100% of all income from War Disablement or War Widows Pension be disregarded when calculating entitlement to Housing Benefit in line with the resolution at Appendix A 2. To adopt the Discretionary Housing Payments & Discretionary Award Policy set out at Appendix B & B(ii) 3. To adopt the attached Council Tax Discretionary Discount Policy at Appendix C 4. To adopt the Business Rates Revaluation Support Scheme set out at Appendix D 5. To adopt the Business Rates Hardship Relief Policy set out at Appendix E 6. To adopt the Local Business Rates Discretionary Relief Policy set out at Appendix F.