Issue - decisions

18/02/2020 - Final Draft Constitution

To put in place the Constitution of Buckinghamshire Council prior to vesting day on 1 April 2020.



1.    That the Shadow Executive approve the Scheme of Delegation (subject to any required amendments) in relation to delegations of executive functions

2.    That the Shadow Executive recommend the draft Constitution (subject to any recommended amendments) to the Shadow Authority for adoption as the Constitution of Buckinghamshire Council

3.    That delegated authority is given to the Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the Leader, to make any minor changes, including clarifications, and necessary textual revisions to the draft Constitution to ensure that the separate sections of the Constitution are consistent, work together as a whole and reflect any changes to legislation

4.    That the Shadow Executive recommend that Shadow Authority give delegated authority to the Monitoring Officer in consultation with the Leader as per 3. above in relation to the approved Constitution up to and including 31 March 2020

5.    That the operation of the Constitution is reviewed in April 2021