
Use the search options below to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the Council's decision making bodies.

Delegated decisions from legacy councils are available from the following links - BCC Cabinet Member decisions, BCC officer decisions, AVDC decisions, CDC decisions, SBDC decisions and WDC decisions.

Decisions published

02/05/2024 - Former Tilehouse Day Opportunity Centre - disposal (Decision to be taken) ref: 1308    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Disposal of the former Day Opps Centre in Denham which was declared surplus by Adult Social Care in 2015.

Decision Maker: Leader

Decision published: 24/04/2024

Effective from:




The Director of Property & Assets in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Accessible Housing and Resources is authorised to dispose of the site in accordance with the offer detailed in the confidential appendix 

Wards affected: Denham;

Lead officer: Jo West

01/05/2024 - Aylesbury Road, Aston Clinton Waiting Restrictions (Decision to be taken) ref: 1307    Recommendations Approved

Yellow lines to control parking and waiting on London Road and Aylesbury Road, Aston Clinton and at side road junctions to support the Highway Code.

Decision Maker: Leader

Decision published: 23/04/2024

Effective from:


a)      That the Traffic Regulation Order be made as advertised at Statutory Consultation but with the following amendments:


That the following lengths of proposed double yellow lines be removed …


·         Aylesbury Road (north side) – from a point approximately 17 metres southeast of Hyde Street south-eastwards to the Aston Clinton Guide Hall (No. 104 Aylesbury Road) access;


·         Aylesbury Road (south side) – from a point opposite the mutual boundary of Nos. 101 and 101A Aylesbury Road south-eastwards to the mutual boundary of No. 62 Aylesbury Road and the Shell petrol station;


·         London Road (north side) – from a point east of the Aston Clinton Veterinary Centre (No. 107 Aylesbury Road) access eastwards to the existing double yellow lines west of Brook Street.


b)     That respondents to the consultation are informed of the decision.

Wards affected: Aston Clinton & Bierton;

Lead officer: John Pateman

01/05/2024 - Castlefield Traffic Calming Measures (Decision to be taken) ref: 1306    For Determination

To enable the implementation of the Castlefield Traffic Calming scheme, High Wycombe.

Decision Maker: Leader

Decision published: 23/04/2024

Effective from:




The Leader notes the outcome of the public engagement and statutory consultation for the traffic calming measures.


The Leader delegates authority to the Service Director of Highways and Technical Service to complete detailed design following consultation. If necessary, change the scope to fit within the available budget, in line with the statutory process.


Service Director of Highways and Technical Service is delegated to approve contractual commitments including construction up to the value of the released capital-funded budget of £1,100,000 to deliver the Castlefield traffic calming scheme.

Wards affected: Booker, Cressex & Castlefield;

Lead officer: Kevin Goad

30/04/2024 - Hackney carriage fare review (Decision to be taken) ref: 1305    For Determination

Review of current maximum hackney carriage fares.

Decision Maker: Leader

Decision published: 22/04/2024

Effective from:




To consider the proposed amended maximum hackney carriage fares set out at Appendix 1 and, if appropriate, to approve them for statutory advertising.

Lead officer: Lindsey Vallis

16/04/2024 - Physical Activity Strategy 2024 - 2029 ref: 1304    Recommendations Approved

To approve the Councils physical activity strategy for 2024-29. The physical activity strategy sets out how the Council and its partners will improve the levels of physical activity and opportunities for Buckinghamshire residents.

Decision Maker: Leader

Decision published: 16/04/2024

Effective from: 20/04/2024


The Leader APPROVED the Buckinghamshire Physical Activity Strategy 2024-29


Note - following review and discussions around the key aims and targets, the strategy has been reviewed and updated accordingly and is attached as ‘Physical Activity Strategy REVISED’.

Lead officer: Dr Jane O'Grady