
Use the search options below to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the Council's decision making bodies.

Delegated decisions from legacy councils are available from the following links - BCC Cabinet Member decisions, BCC officer decisions, AVDC decisions, CDC decisions, SBDC decisions and WDC decisions.

Decisions published

04/08/2022 - Ivinghoe Double Yellow Lines – Parking Restrictions (Decision to be taken) ref: 815    Recommendations Approved

Proposal to introduce Waiting Restriction (Double Yellow Lines) on High Street, Ivinghoe.

Decision Maker: Leader

Decision published: 27/07/2022

Effective from:




It is recommended that the Leader:


a)                  Consider the feedback received at the Statutory Consultation


b)                 Authorises the making of the Traffic Regulation Order as set out in this report, for the installation of ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ restrictions at High Street, Ivinghoe.


c)                  Agrees that responders to the Statutory Consultation are informed of the decision, and to implement the traffic regulation order and related works.

Wards affected: Ivinghoe;

Lead officer: Oladapo Azeez

26/07/2022 - High Wycombe Transport Strategy and High Wycombe Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) Consultation ref: 814    Recommendations Approved

Request for agreement to conduct public consultation on the draft High Wycombe Transport Strategy and High Wycombe Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) once engagement has been undertaken with local members.

Decision Maker: Leader

Decision published: 26/07/2022

Effective from: 30/07/2022


The Leader:


NOTED the work undertaken to develop the High Wycombe 2050 Transport Strategy and High Wycombe Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP).


AGREED that the draft High Wycombe 2050 Transport Strategy and High Wycombe LCWIP can progress to public consultation for a period of six weeks. 

Wards affected: Abbey; Booker, Cressex & Castlefield; Chiltern Villages; Downley; Flackwell Heath, Little Marlow & Marlow South East; Hazlemere; Penn Wood & Old Amersham; Ridgeway East; Ridgeway West; Ryemead & Micklefield; Terriers & Amersham Hill; The Wooburns, Bourne End & Hedsor; Totteridge & Bowerdean; Tylers Green & Loudwater; West Wycombe;

Lead officer: Hannah Joyce

03/08/2022 - Putlowes Waiting Restrictions (Decision to be taken) ref: 813    Recommendations Approved

Proposals to introduce 'no waiting at any time' restrictions from the A41/Putlowes Road junction to the Waddesdon Greenway accesses have been put forward to encourage compliance with highway Code Rule 242 to not leave vehicle or trailer in a dangerous position or where it causes any unnecessary obstruction of the road; and 243 which prohibits parking anywhere you would prevent access for Emergency Services; and in front of an entrance to a property.

Decision Maker: Leader

Decision published: 26/07/2022

Effective from:




It is recommended that the Leader:


a)                  Consider the feedback received at Statutory Consultation.


b)                 Approves the making of the Traffic Regulation Order as set out in this report, for the installation of a ‘No waiting at any time’ restriction along Putlowes Road from the A41/Putlowes Road junction to the Waddesdon Greenway access.

Wards affected: Stone & Waddesdon;

Lead officer: David Cairney

26/07/2022 - Hackney Carriage Tariffs (Decision to be taken) ref: 807    Recommendations Approved

To agree the maximum hackney carriage tariffs that can be charged to passengers across the Council area

Decision Maker: Leader

Decision published: 18/07/2022

Effective from: 26/07/2022




To consider the proposed amended hackney carriage fares set out at Appendix 2 and, if appropriate, to approve them for statutory consultation purposes

Decision Maker: Leader

Decision published: 26/07/2022

Effective from: 26/07/2022


The Leader:


considered the proposed amended hackney carriage fares set out at Appendix 2 and, APPROVED them for statutory consultation purposes

Lead officer: Lindsey Vallis

29/07/2022 - Tingewick Road Area of Buckingham (Decision to be taken) ref: 811    Recommendations Approved

Proposed reduction in the speed limit for Tingewick Road Area of Buckingham

Decision Maker: Leader

Decision published: 21/07/2022

Effective from:




A.     That the leader approves the making of the following order to reduce the speed limit to 40 mph on Tingewick Road and Ring Road (in the areas outlined in a statutory consultation).  This is in line with Police and Network Safety team recommendations, which are in line with the national government guidance issued by the Department for Transport.


B.      That the reduction to 40mph is supplemented with the following additional; measures to encourage driver adherence:


·         Centre hatching

·         40mph roundels

·         Gateway style features (subject to site survey and feasibility)

·         Refresh the existing road lines


C.      That the respondents to the Statutory Consultation be informed of the decision.

Wards affected: Buckingham West;

Lead officer: Ian Thomas

20/07/2022 - Denham Local Priority - ODR ref: 810    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Service Director Highways & Technical Services

Decision published: 20/07/2022

Effective from: 20/07/2022


Approval to proceed to Statutory Consultation and advertisement for the proposals in the
New Denham area.

Wards affected: Denham;

Lead officer: Dave Roberts

19/07/2022 - Modern Slavery Statement (Decision to be taken) ref: 803    Recommendations Approved

This report reflects activity carried out in the previous financial years 2020/21 and 2021/22, demonstrating the steps taken by the Council to address modern slavery in its operations and supply chains and future actions.

Decision Maker: Leader

Decision published: 11/07/2022

Effective from: 19/07/2022




To agree the Modern Slavery Statement for Buckinghamshire Council.

Decision Maker: Leader

Decision published: 19/07/2022

Effective from: 19/07/2022


The Leader AGREED the Modern Slavery Statement for Buckinghamshire Council

Lead officer: Dr Jane O'Grady

18/07/2022 - Covid 19 Additional Relief Fund (CARF) Discretionary Rate Relief Policy ref: 808    Recommendations Approved

Covid 19 Additional Relief Fund (CARF) Discretionary Rate Relief Policy

Decision Maker: Leader

Decision published: 18/07/2022

Effective from: 18/07/2022


The Leader APPROVED an increase in the percentage of CARF awarded from 20% to 100% as set out in the CARF Discretionary Rates Relief Policy Appendix A.



This decision is being taken under the ‘special urgency’ provisions of the constitution to enable eligible businesses to make use of the Discretionary Rate Relief Policy before the cut-off date of 30 September 2022.

Lead officer: Clive Jones

26/07/2022 - Temporary staffing contract award (Decision to be taken) ref: 806    Recommendations Approved

Decision required on the award for the award of a contract for temporary staffing, interims and specialist contractors

Decision Maker: Leader

Decision published: 18/07/2022

Effective from:




It’s recommended that Provider A is awarded the contract for temporary agency, interim and specialist contracts for a period of 3 years + 1 to commence on 3rd September 2022.


HR to work with Provider A to ensure we are the customer of choice to provide a good supply of high-quality candidates.

Lead officer: Lorna Fisher