Outside body
Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes Natural Environment Partnership
We bring together local authorities and organisations from across the public, private, health and education sectors, as well as conservation and community organisations to champion the value of the environment in decision-making. We encourage environmental protection and improvement for multiple benefits: for the environment, businesses and the economy, and the health and wellbeing of communities across Buckinghamshire & Milton Keynes.
The NEP promotes the value of the natural environment in decision making at all levels and takes a strategic view to the challenges and opportunities facing nature. We are working alongside the Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) and the health and wellbeing boards to embed the natural environment in growth, economic & health strategies, and develop interventions and programmes for delivery.
In June 2011 the UK Government published their Natural Environment White Paper ‘The Natural Choice: securing the value of nature’, and announced the establishment of Local Nature Partnerships (LNPs) – a national network of LNPs to develop a vision for the local environment, champion its interests and better integrate environmental objectives with social and economic goals. A clear message of the White Paper is the need to work in a joined up, strategic way to help manage the natural environment. The Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) formally recognised the NEP as a LNP in June 2012.
The NEP is chaired by Chris M Williams, and includes Board members from the health, education and business sectors alongside local government, governmental and non-governmental environmental bodies.
Contact information
David Sutherland
County Hall
Walton Street
HP20 1UA
Website: https://bucksmknep.co.uk/
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