Agenda and minutes
Venue: MS Teams Virtual Meeting
Contact: Christina Beevers
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence/Changes in Membership Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies were received from: Mr H Beveridge (Long Crendon School), Ms J Divers (Turnfurlong School), Ms S Fahey (Brindley House School), Ms N Lovegrove (The Village Pre-School), Ms S Skinner (Bowerdean & Henry Allen Nursery Schools), Mr S Sneesby (Kite Ridge School).
The Chairman introduced Mr Simon James, Service Director for Education, Buckinghamshire Council and welcomed him to the meeting and the Schools Forum Committee. |
Declarations of Interest To disclose any Personal or Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
Additional documents: Minutes: There were none. |
Schools Forum Funding Group Update PDF 106 KB Verbal update to be provided by the Chairman of the Schools Forum Funding Group, Ms K Tamlyn.
Additional documents: Minutes: The action notes from the Schools Forum Funding Group were appended to the minutes for information. |
2019-20 Financial Outturn PDF 741 KB To be presented by Ms E Williams, Head of Finance, Children’s Services, Buckinghamshire Council.
Additional documents: Minutes: Ms E Williams, Head of Finance- Childrens Services, Buckinghamshire Council, gave an overview of the report provided.
Recommendation: Schools Forum Funding Group is asked to note the final outturn position against the Dedicated Schools Grant in 2019-20
Resolved: The Schools Forum NOTED the final outturn position against the Dedicated Schools Grant in 2019-20.
High Needs Block Update PDF 691 KB To be presented by Ms E Williams, Head of Finance, Children’s Services, Buckinghamshire Council.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Ms E Williams, Head of Finance- Childrens Services, Buckinghamshire Council, gave an overview of the report provided.
To explore whether the option of numbers/data of parental tribunal appeals would be a Schools Forum piece. ACTION: Ms E Williams
To review assumptions of the budget of the High Needs Block Spend- exceptional support budget prior to the meeting. ACTION: Ms E Williams
Page 23, High Needs Recovery Plan - to add a name to each action as to who is leading for each item. To also add some success criteria to each area, which is measurable. ACTION: Ms E Williams
Appendix 2- External placements- this was now well established, and a further update would be provided at the next Schools Forum. ACTION: Ms E Williams
Recommendation: Schools Forum is asked to note the impact of the final outturn for 2019-20 on the High Needs budget for 2020-21 and to agree the proposed approach for the development of a High Needs Block Recovery Plan.
Resolved: The Schools Forum NOTED the impact of the final outturn for 2019-20 on the High Needs budget for 2020-21 and AGREED the proposed approach for the development of a High Needs Block Recovery Plan.
Proposals for the Allocation of Top-Up Funding PDF 624 KB To be presented by Ms E Williams, Head of Finance, Children’s Services, Buckinghamshire Council.
Additional documents: Minutes: Ms E Williams, Head of Finance- Childrens Services, Buckinghamshire Council, gave an overview of the report provided.
To share with the forum who is on the Needs and Provision working group. ACTION: Ms E Williams Recommendation: Schools Forum is asked to a) NOTE the outcomes of the consultation with schools on the mechanism for allocating top-up funding for pupils with Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs), ie,
b) Note the proposed time lines for implementation. c) Agree the basis for calculating top-up values proposed by the Needs and Provision Group, including the application of a fringe uplift where appropriate. d) Agree the principles for transition to the new model including support for schools that would see a reduction in funding under the proposed model. e) Agree to seek an exemption from the Minimum Funding Guarantee for Special Schools in the 2021-22 financial year in order to move toward the new funding mechanism through the implementation of transitional support.
Resolved: Schools Forum: a) NOTED the outcomes of the consultation with schools on the mechanism for allocating top-up funding for pupils with Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs), ie,
b) NOTED the proposed time lines for implementation. c) AGREED the basis for calculating top-up values proposed by the Needs and Provision Group, including the application of a fringe uplift where appropriate. d) AGREED the principles for transition to the new model including support for schools that would see a reduction in funding under the proposed model. e) AGREED to seek an exemption from the Minimum Funding Guarantee for Special Schools in the 2021-22 financial year in order to move toward the new funding mechanism through the implementation of transitional support.
To be presented by Mr J Carter, School’s Accountant, Buckinghamshire Council.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Mr J Carter, Senior Accountant, Buckinghamshire Council gave an overview of the report provided.
Recommendation: To note the surplus and deficit balances for maintained schools as at 31 March 2020.
Resolved: The Schools Forum NOTED the surplus and deficit balances for maintained schools as at 31 March 2020. |
Update to be provided by the Chairman of the Contingency Group, Ms J Freeman. Additional documents: Minutes: Mr David Hood, Cressex School gave an overview of the report provided.
Recommendations: Schools Forum is asked to: a) Note the report detailing the decisions of the Contingency Group. b) Agree changes to the to the Contingency Group’s Terms of Reference as set out in 2.4 and 2.5.
Resolved: The School Forum: a) NOTED the report detailing the decisions of the Contingency Group. b) AGREED changes to the to the Contingency Group’s Terms of Reference as set out in 2.4 and 2.5. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The forum NOTED the forward plan. |
Additional Paper-
Post-19 Students - Change to School Funding Regulations for Post-19 Students. To be presented by Ms E Williams, Head of Finance, Children’s Services, Buckinghamshire Council. Additional documents: Minutes: Post-19 Students - Change to School Funding Regulations for Post-19 Students
Ms H Slinn, Head of SEN gave an overview of the report provided.
Recommendation: Schools Forum is asked to support the application to the DfE to vary the Schools Funding rules to enable continued support of post-19 students in special schools as a result of Covid-19
Resolved: School Forum AGREED to SUPPORT the application to the DfE to vary the Schools Funding rules to enable continued support of post-19 students in special schools as a result of Covid-19
· It was requested for the next meeting for an item to be added to AOB to hold a discussion on: ‘Our plans for urgently addressing educational disadvantage in Buckinghamshire BAME communities and in areas of social disadvantage. Short/medium/long term goals: how they will be reached, how they will be supported financially and the Schools Forum’s role in ensuring they are achieved’. ACTION: Ms C Beevers
ACTION: Mr G Drawmer/Mr S James |
Date of Next Meeting 13 October 2020, 1.30- 4.00pm. Darke Hall, Green Park. Additional documents: Minutes: 13 October 2020, 1.30-4.00pm MS Teams Virtual Meeting |