Agenda and minutes

Venue: MS Teams Virtual Meeting

Contact: Christina Beevers 


Webcast: View the webcast

No. Item


Apologies for Absence/Changes in Membership

Additional documents:


Apologies were received from:

Mr H Beveridge (Long Crendon School), Ms J Divers (Turnfurlong School), Ms S Fahey (Brindley House School), Ms N Lovegrove (The Village Pre-School), Ms S Skinner (Bowerdean & Henry Allen Nursery Schools), Mr S Sneesby (Kite Ridge School).


The Chairman introduced Mr Simon James, Service Director for Education, Buckinghamshire Council and welcomed him to the meeting and the Schools Forum Committee.


Declarations of Interest

To disclose any Personal or Disclosable Pecuniary Interests


Additional documents:


There were none.


Schools Forum Funding Group Update pdf icon PDF 106 KB

Verbal update to be provided by the Chairman of the Schools Forum Funding Group, Ms K Tamlyn.


Additional documents:


The action notes from the Schools Forum Funding Group were appended to the minutes for information.


2019-20 Financial Outturn pdf icon PDF 741 KB

To be presented by Ms E Williams, Head of Finance, Children’s Services, Buckinghamshire Council.


Additional documents:


Ms E Williams, Head of Finance- Childrens Services, Buckinghamshire Council, gave an overview of the report provided.



Schools Forum Funding Group is asked to note the final outturn position against the Dedicated Schools Grant in 2019-20



The Schools Forum NOTED the final outturn position against the Dedicated Schools Grant in 2019-20.



High Needs Block Update pdf icon PDF 691 KB

To be presented by Ms E Williams, Head of Finance, Children’s Services, Buckinghamshire Council.


Additional documents:


Ms E Williams, Head of Finance- Childrens Services, Buckinghamshire Council, gave an overview of the report provided.



To explore whether the option of numbers/data of parental tribunal appeals would be a Schools Forum piece.

ACTION: Ms E Williams


To review assumptions of the budget of the High Needs Block Spend- exceptional support budget prior to the meeting.

ACTION: Ms E Williams


Page 23, High Needs Recovery Plan - to add a name to each action as to who is leading for each item. To also add some success criteria to each area, which is measurable.

ACTION: Ms E Williams


Appendix 2- External placements- this was now well established, and a further update would be provided at the next Schools Forum.

ACTION: Ms E Williams




Schools Forum is asked to note the impact of the final outturn for 2019-20 on the High Needs budget for 2020-21 and to agree the proposed approach for the development of a High Needs Block Recovery Plan.



The Schools Forum NOTED the impact of the final outturn for 2019-20 on the High Needs budget for 2020-21 and AGREED the proposed approach for the development of a High Needs Block Recovery Plan.



Proposals for the Allocation of Top-Up Funding pdf icon PDF 624 KB

To be presented by Ms E Williams, Head of Finance, Children’s Services, Buckinghamshire Council.


Additional documents:


Ms E Williams, Head of Finance- Childrens Services, Buckinghamshire Council, gave an overview of the report provided.


To share with the forum who is on the Needs  and Provision working group.

ACTION: Ms E Williams


Schools Forum is asked to 

a) NOTE the outcomes of the consultation with schools on the mechanism for allocating top-up funding for pupils with Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs), ie,

  1. That the recommended approach of a needs led funding approach based on an adapted model for Buckinghamshire is supported.
  2. That the model should be supported by a moderation process.
  3. That there should be a phased implementation, beginning with special schools with roll out to mainstream and further settings in future years.  

b)    Note the proposed time lines for implementation.

c)     Agree the basis for calculating top-up values proposed by the Needs and Provision Group, including the application of a fringe uplift where appropriate.

d)    Agree the principles for transition to the new model including support for schools that would see a reduction in funding under the proposed model.

e)    Agree to seek an exemption from the Minimum Funding Guarantee for Special Schools in the 2021-22 financial year in order to move toward the new funding mechanism through the implementation of transitional support.



Schools Forum:

a) NOTED the outcomes of the consultation with schools on the mechanism for allocating top-up funding for pupils with Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs), ie,

  1. That the recommended approach of a needs led funding approach based on an adapted model for Buckinghamshire is supported.
  2. That the model should be supported by a moderation process.
  3. That there should be a phased implementation, beginning with special schools with roll out to mainstream and further settings in future years.  

b)    NOTED the proposed time lines for implementation.

c)     AGREED the basis for calculating top-up values proposed by the Needs and Provision Group, including the application of a fringe uplift where appropriate.

d)    AGREED the principles for transition to the new model including support for schools that would see a reduction in funding under the proposed model.

e)    AGREED to seek an exemption from the Minimum Funding Guarantee for Special Schools in the 2021-22 financial year in order to move toward the new funding mechanism through the implementation of transitional support.



School Balances pdf icon PDF 710 KB

To be presented by Mr J Carter, School’s Accountant, Buckinghamshire Council.


Additional documents:


Mr J Carter, Senior Accountant, Buckinghamshire Council gave an overview of the report provided.



To note the surplus and deficit balances for maintained schools as at 31 March 2020.  



The Schools Forum NOTED the surplus and deficit balances for maintained schools as at 31 March 2020.  


Contingency Update pdf icon PDF 715 KB

Update to be provided by the Chairman of the Contingency Group, Ms J Freeman.

Additional documents:


Mr David Hood, Cressex School gave an overview of the report provided.



Schools Forum is asked to:

a)    Note the report detailing the decisions of the Contingency Group.

b)    Agree changes to the to the Contingency Group’s Terms of Reference as set out in 2.4 and 2.5.



The School Forum:

a)    NOTED the report detailing the decisions of the Contingency Group.

b)    AGREED changes to the to the Contingency Group’s Terms of Reference as set out in 2.4 and 2.5.


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 205 KB

Additional documents:


The forum NOTED the forward plan.


Any Other Business pdf icon PDF 567 KB

Additional Paper-


Post-19 Students - Change to School Funding Regulations for Post-19 Students. To be presented by Ms E Williams, Head of Finance, Children’s Services, Buckinghamshire Council.

Additional documents:


Post-19 Students - Change to School Funding Regulations for Post-19 Students


Ms H Slinn, Head of SEN gave an overview of the report provided.



Schools Forum is asked to support the application to the DfE to vary the Schools Funding rules to enable continued support of post-19 students in special schools as a result of Covid-19



School Forum AGREED to SUPPORT the application to the DfE to vary the Schools Funding rules to enable continued support of post-19 students in special schools as a result of Covid-19



  • It was requested for best wishes, praise and thanks be passed on to Ms J Try for all her hard work with the Schools Forum. Best wishes were sent for her new role within Buckinghamshire Council.

·       It was requested for the next meeting for an item to be added to AOB to hold a discussion on:

‘Our plans for urgently addressing educational disadvantage in Buckinghamshire BAME communities and in areas of social disadvantage.  Short/medium/long term goals: how they will be reached, how they will be supported financially and the Schools Forum’s role in ensuring they are achieved’.

ACTION: Ms C Beevers


  • It was requested if an officer would prepare a paper for the October meeting on the gap in achievement in Buckinghamshire between black and minority ethnic students and their white peers. To put forward a plan to address the issue as a matter of urgency including links for funding.

ACTION: Mr G Drawmer/Mr S James


Date of Next Meeting

13 October 2020, 1.30- 4.00pm.

Darke Hall, Green Park.

Additional documents:


13 October 2020, 1.30-4.00pm

MS Teams Virtual Meeting