Agenda and minutes
Venue: Brigade Headquarters, Stocklake, Aylesbury HP20 1BD. View directions
Contact: Katie Nellist
No. | Item |
To approve, and sign as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of the Fire Authority held on 15 February 2023. Minutes: RESOLVED –
That the Minutes of the meeting of the Fire Authority held on 15 February 2023, be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record. |
Matters Arising from the Previous Meeting The Chairman to invite officers to provide verbal updates on any actions noted in the Minutes from the previous meeting. Minutes: The Chairman advised that:
FA48 – Chairman’s Announcements, the Chief Fire Officer to ask the respective councils to write reflecting the Authority’s views on the impact of losing the fire link grant and USAR funding: letters to respective councils were yet to be sent, however, there had been developments in respect of USAR funding since the last meeting of the Authority about which the Chairman wished to update Members in his announcements.
FA52 – BMKFA Apprenticeship Programme Update, concerted effort from the Authority in approaching large national employers, particularly those based in Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes, to ask for support with levy transfer, because there was a significant underspend with some of those larger employers: the Chairman had been provided with details of the top 10 large national employers, particularly those based in Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes. |
Disclosure of Interests Members to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests they may have in any matter being considered which are not entered onto the Authority’s Register, and officers to disclose any interests they may have in any contract to be considered. Minutes: None. |
Chairman's Announcements To receive the Chairman’s announcements (if any). Minutes: The Chairman advised Members that:
With the support of local Members of Parliament, and through various discussions with civil servants and the Minister for Crime, Policing and Fire, regarding funding, and a letter from the Authority on 30 March 2023 setting out a compelling case for continued funding for Urban Search and Rescue (USAR), the Minister responded to confirm that he was looking into it and would update further in due course. The Authority was delighted to receive on 13 April 2023, confirmation from the Home Office that funding for all Urban Search and Rescue teams, would continue until at least April 2025. In the next public sector funding round, the Minister intended to seek the investment required to continue funding longer term. This was excellent news for the Authority and Nationally.
Members would also be aware that an adjournment debate was held in the House of Commons on 19 April 2023, where the Service was recognised for its contribution to the local community. Also mentioned by the Minister, was the excellent decision taken a number of years ago to undertake disclosure and barring (DBS) checks on firefighters and specifically, enhanced DBS checks on firefighters, which was recognised by the Minister and described as best practice that other fire and rescue services should follow. A very welcome acknowledgement. The link to the report in Hansard of the Adjournment debate, including the response from the Minister for Crime, Policing and Fire would be sent to Members:
From Monday 24 April 2023 firefighters began wearing new breathing apparatus (BA) sets. The roll out of the Interspiro BA sets formed part of the ongoing commitment to ensure crews had the best equipment, to enable them to provide the best response to the communities. The BA collaborative contract was worth a total of £1,768,468 across the three services. The collaborative procurement process delivered a total joint cost avoidance saving of £532,178, with an individual saving to the Authority of £187,239 for the first year. It was a large amount of money, but when it came to the Authority’s most valuable assets, it’s people, it was a worthy investment. This Service was the second of the three services to go live with the new sets, and this milestone marked a significant achievement in the three-year project which would ultimately see the same equipment used by firefighters in each of the three Thames Valley Services.
An Officer of the Service, Ania Czerminska, would be representing the Service at the Coronation of King Charles III. |
Values and Culture in fire and rescue services To consider Item 8 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chairman advised Members that all fire services across England and Wales received a report from His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) on a review they had undertaken into values and culture in fire and rescue services. The report was difficult reading for everyone involved in fire and rescue services, but also essential reading. The report set out nine themes and 35 recommendations. This report was of such significance that it was important that the Authority met in a timely way that enabled officers to reflect on the report and integrate the findings and recommendations into their work, but also to enable Members to undertake scrutiny. It was the role of the Authority, as elected Members, to scrutinize and hold the Service to account, and culture and values were right at the heart of the confidence that the community had in the Service.
The Chief Fire Officer advised Members that officers accepted the recommendations in full and from a Chief Fire Officer’s perspective, he would work over the coming months and years to change the culture of this Service. The fire and rescue service as a sector, must make a difference for the future. This Service was not complacent, and officers would go through the recommendations, some of which had been started and some had been completed.
The Head of Technology, Transformation and PMO advised Members that this report presented an update following the release of His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) Values and Culture report.
Following the release of the London Fire Brigade report and subsequent articles in the press, HMICFRS were asked to produce a spotlight report on the values and culture in English fire and rescue services. HMICFRS would use the findings from the second full round of inspections, and would comment on the following, values and culture, bullying, harassment and discrimination; and also highlight examples of promising and innovative practices established in respect of values and culture.
The report was released on 30 March 2023 and set out HMICFRS findings, supported by 35 recommendations, to be delivered by all fire and rescue services alongside, the government and national fire bodies. The Authority welcomed both the report, and supported all the recommendations, as it takes the culture of its staff extremely seriously, to ensure all staff and the public it served were treated with the dignity and respect they deserved. Of the 35 recommendations, 19 were owned by the Chief Fire Officer. The update in Appendix 1 showed progress against these recommendations. Two were complete, 13 were in progress – on track, and four were not started. Of the four not started, a number were reliant on other recommendations being completed first.
The Head of Technology, Transformation and PMO advised Members that there were a couple of areas to highlight. The values which had been in place since 2011 and aligned with the National Fire Chief Councils (NFCC) Code of Ethics, and the Whistleblowing Policy that was ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Date of Next Meeting To note that the next meeting of the Fire Authority will be held on Wednesday 14 June (Annual Meeting) 2023 at 11am. Minutes: To note that the next meeting of the Fire Authority will be the Annual Meeting, and will be held on Wednesday 14 June 2023 at 11am, at The Oculus, Buckinghamshire Council.