Browse meetings

This page lists the meetings for Buckinghamshire Local Access Forum.


Information about Buckinghamshire Local Access Forum

The main role of the LAF is to give advice to local authorities and Natural England on securing increased access to the countryside for open-air recreation within the framework of the Countryside & Rights of Way Act 2000.


The Forum has a positive role to play in assisting with provision of new access opportunities and commenting on issues of particular local relevance, such as:


·        Supporting and advising on the implementation of the right to Open Access Land (mountain, moor, heath, down and registered common land) at a local level, especially with regard to identifying the boundaries of open access land.

·        Considering applications for restrictions or closures of access for land management or conservation purposes.

·        Assisting with improving and developing the existing rights of way network.

·       Advising on the development of Buckinghamshire’s recreation and access plans and strategies, including the Buckinghamshire Rights of Way Improvement Plan 2020-2030.